Schedule An Appointment
We know that finding the right daycare, Montessori program, or tutoring services for your child is an important choice. That's why we make it easy for parents in Collingdale, Glenolden, Darby, Sharon Hill, and Aldan, PA, to schedule a daycare appointment with us. Every child deserves a caring and engaging environment to learn and grow, and we're focused on providing just that.
See the Collingdale Academy Difference with a Montessori School Tour in Collingdale
When you schedule an appointment with Collingdale Academy, you'll have the chance to tour our facilities, meet our teachers, and learn more about our unique way of teaching early childhood education. Our programs are made to nurture your child's natural curiosity, creativity, and love for learning, while giving a safe and supportive place for them to thrive.
Don't wait to give your child the gift of a quality education. Contact us today at 267-939-6311 or complete the form below to schedule an appointment and see the difference our daycare and Montessori school can make in your child's life.